D. pexippus

The Titian Peale Butterfly and Moth Collection

Urania sloanus

ANSP > Entomology > Peale Collection > Search > Box 69 Specimen 643a

Box: 69 Cork: 643a

Geometridae  Semiothisa ocellinata (Guenée) [det. D.F. Schweitzer]

From:  USA  New Jersey  Original Locality Data: R[e]d B[an]k; July 23/80 [NJ: Monmouth Co.]
Peale's Identification: [Unknown]
Comments: prepared by T.R. Peale [1880-1881]
Corks with multiple specimens are lettered clockwise starting with a at the top centerNote: Multiple specimens on one cork are given letters starting with a in the top center, with letters increasing (b, c, d, etc) clockwise around the cork or mica sheet. If there is no specimen in the top center, the first specimen encountered when moving clockwise around the cork from the top center is specimen a, the second specimen b, etc.

Specimen 643a [PIN] in Peale Box 69,
Box 69 data: [North American Moths] Lamp-light Table collections Mounted: 1880-1881

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