The Titian Peale Butterfly and Moth Collection
Peale Collection
> Results
Material from the ANSP General collection
Acraea epaea
[ANSP General Collection]
Acraea vestalis
[ANSP General Collection]
Aeria eurimedia agna
[ANSP General Collection]
Agarista agricola
[ANSP General Collection]
Agarista agricola
[ANSP General Collection]
Agrius cingulata
[ANSP General Collection]
Amorpha juglandis
[ANSP General Collection]
Anetia pantheratus clarescens
[ANSP General Collection]
Appias lucasi
[ANSP General Collection]
Appias pandione
[ANSP General Collection]
Appias taprobana
[ANSP General Collection]
Archon apollinus
[ANSP General Collection]
Argyreus hyperbius inconstans
[ANSP General Collection]
Asterope sapphira
[ANSP General Collection]
Aterica galene
[ANSP General Collection]
Bebearia absolon
[ANSP General Collection]
Bebearia absolon
[ANSP General Collection]
Belenois hedyle
[ANSP General Collection]
Callicore eucale
[ANSP General Collection]
Castnia pallasia
[ANSP General Collection]
Castnia syphax
[ANSP General Collection]
Castnia zerynthia
[ANSP General Collection]
Cepora evagete
[ANSP General Collection]
Charaxes polyxena
[ANSP General Collection]
Chorinea licursis
[ANSP General Collection]
Chorinea licursis
[ANSP General Collection]
Colotis evippe
[ANSP General Collection]
Danaus melanippus edmondii
[ANSP General Collection]
Danaus plexaure
[ANSP General Collection]
Doxocopa vacuna
[ANSP General Collection]
Dysschema sacrifica
[ANSP General Collection]
Epiphile orea orea
[ANSP General Collection]
Eteona hemyrioides [or Eteona tisiphone?]
[ANSP General Collection]
Eucereon sp. nov. [nr. rogersi Druce]
[ANSP General Collection]
Euchromia horsfieldi
[ANSP General Collection]
Euchromia horsfieldi
[ANSP General Collection]
Euphaedra medon pholus
[ANSP General Collection]
Euploea core
[ANSP General Collection]
Euploea gamelia
[ANSP General Collection]
Euploea gamelia
[ANSP General Collection]
Euploea tulliolus
[ANSP General Collection]
Eurema (Terias) senegalensis
[ANSP General Collection]
Euthalia bottgeri
[ANSP General Collection]
Gonodonta incurva
[ANSP General Collection]
Hamadryas amphinome
[ANSP General Collection]
Heliconius antiochus aranea
[ANSP General Collection]
Heliconius satis
[ANSP General Collection]
Heteronympha merope
[ANSP General Collection]
Heteronympha merope
[ANSP General Collection]
Heterosais giulia giulia
[ANSP General Collection]
Hypocrita bicolora
[ANSP General Collection]
Hypoleria ocalea
[ANSP General Collection]
Hypoleria ocalea
[ANSP General Collection]
Hypolimnas misippus
[ANSP General Collection]
Idea stolli
[ANSP General Collection]
Ideopsis similis exprompta
[ANSP General Collection]
Jamides euchylas
[ANSP General Collection]
Junonia chorimene
[ANSP General Collection]
Junonia hierta
[ANSP General Collection]
Junonia sophia
[ANSP General Collection]
Lethe europa
[ANSP General Collection]
Lethe europa
[ANSP General Collection]
Lycorea cleobaea demeter
[ANSP General Collection]
Lycorea cleobaea halia
[ANSP General Collection]
Manduca rustica
[ANSP General Collection]
Melanis agyrtus
[ANSP General Collection]
Melanis smithiae
[ANSP General Collection]
Melanis xenia
[ANSP General Collection]
Melanitis leda
[ANSP General Collection]
Melanitis leda
[ANSP General Collection]
Melinaea ludovica idea
[ANSP General Collection]
Methona themisto
[ANSP General Collection]
Morpho laertes
[ANSP General Collection]
Mylothris chloris
[ANSP General Collection]
Mylothris chloris
[ANSP General Collection]
Mylothris rhodope
[ANSP General Collection]
Myscelia orsis
[ANSP General Collection]
Nemoptera sinuata
[ANSP General Collection]
Opsiphanes invirae amplificatus
[ANSP General Collection]
Pachliopta aristolochiae
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio androgeus laodocus
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio memnon
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio protenor
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio protenor
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio protenor
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio scamander
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio thoas melonius
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio thoas melonius
[ANSP General Collection]
Papilio torquatus polybius
[ANSP General Collection]
Parantica agleoides furius
[ANSP General Collection]
Parantica agleoides furius
[ANSP General Collection]
Parantica albata
[ANSP General Collection]
Pareronia valeria valeria
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides agavus
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides ascanius
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides bunichus perrhebus
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides eurimedes arriphus
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides iphidamas phalias
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides sp.
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides tros
[ANSP General Collection]
Parides zacynthus
[ANSP General Collection]
Parrhasius orgia
[ANSP General Collection]
Phaenochitonia cingulus
[ANSP General Collection]
Phalaenoides glycinae
[ANSP General Collection]
Phaloe cruenta
[ANSP General Collection]
Phaloe cruenta
[ANSP General Collection]
Pierella nereis
[ANSP General Collection]
Pieris (Artogeia) rapae (Linnaeus)
[ANSP General Collection]
Polygonia egea
[ANSP General Collection]
Prioneris autothisbe
[ANSP General Collection]
Pyrrhogyra neaerea
[ANSP General Collection]
Pyrrhogyra neaerea
[ANSP General Collection]
Rhetus arcius
[ANSP General Collection]
Rhetus psecas
[ANSP General Collection]
Salamis cytora
[ANSP General Collection]
Siproeta stelenes biplagiata
[ANSP General Collection]
Sphecodina abbottii
[ANSP General Collection]
Thecla betulae
[ANSP General Collection]
Theretra alecto
[ANSP General Collection]
Tirumala limniace
[ANSP General Collection]
Tirumala limniace
[ANSP General Collection]
Tisiphone abeona abeona
[ANSP General Collection]
Tisiphone abeona ssp.
[ANSP General Collection]
Urania sloanus
[ANSP General Collection]
Vanessa itea
[ANSP General Collection]
Vanessa itea
[ANSP General Collection]
The Peale Collection
Geographic list
Taxonomic List
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