2005 Research Data: Third Order Streams

Code* SRP03070802 SRP03070902 SRP03071001-A SRP03071602 SRP03072001 SRP03072401 SRP03072801-b SRP03072901
GPS N 48.13350 48.21780 48.24734 48.67237 48.99356 49.73130 48.60223 48.39916
GPS E 107.91990 107.90392 107.90589 106.87851 106.95023 107.63484 107.84171 107.91693
Elevation (m) 1551 1594 1610 1078 1053 763 1444 1818
Site Name Galtain Gol Unnamed Trib of Tuul Gol Unnamed Trib of Tuul Boyant Gol Chuluu Gol Zerlegiin Gol Unnamed stream on Yesti Hot Spring Unnamed river southeast of Khagiin Har Nuur
Aimag Tov Tov Tov Selenge Selenge Selenge Tov Tov
Soum Erdene Erdene Erdene Mandal Mandal Khuder Erdene Erdene
Location Description Gorkhi Terelj National Park, Galtain Gol at road crossing 19.1 km upstream of Tuul R Bridge Gorkhi Terelj National Park, unnamed tributary of Tuul R on its W side 1.6 km upstream from Daichin crossing Gorkhi Terelj National Park, unnamed tributary of Tuul R on its W side c. 5 km upstream from Daichin crossing Boyant Gol (trib. of Tunkhel Gol) 13.8 km above town of Tunkhel 2.0 km upstream of Shonkhor Camp Bar Chuluu at upstream bridge c. 6 km above downstream bridge Zerlegiin Gol c. 12 km E of Khuder Gorkhi Terelj National Park Gorkhi Terelj National Park
Click on Site Photograph to enlarge
Date 8-Jul-2003 9-Jul-2003 10-Jul-2003 17-Jul-2003 20-Jul-2003 25-Jul-2003 29 vii. 2003 29 vii.2003
Water Origin Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Spring ND Spring ND
Flow Perennial Perennial Perennial? Perennial Perennial ND Perennial ND
Stream Order 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Water temp EC 14.1 7.8 9.2 8.2 ND 16.7 9 10.2
Conductivity FS/cm 115.9 16.63 21 70.9 ND 160.2 16.86 14.58
DO ppm 7.83 7.58 8.36 11.41 ND 8.52 7.71 7.62
TDS mg/L 70.4 11.1 13.9 49.7 ND 91.7 11.81 9.3
Turbidity NTU 3.9 2.2 0.8 55.1 ND 6.6 3 0.8
pH 7.2 6.62 6.99 7.43 ND 8.28 8.4 7.21
Salinity saturation ND ND ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND ND
Dominant Sedment Cobble Gravel Cobble Cobble Sand Gravel Cobble/Sand Gravel
Watershed Characterization: Estimate from outer banks to 1 km out
% Trees (=Forest) 5 10 10 20 10 40 0 5
% Shrubs 15 40 90 10 20 25 10 35
% Forbes 30 20 0 50 30 25 80 10
% Grasses (=Grasslands) 50 30 0 20 40 10 10 50
% Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Land use in Watershed:  Estimate from outer banks to 1 km out
% Field (=Grazing) 80 90 50 70 30 10 40 74
% Town 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% Human Habitants (=Ger) 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0
% Forest (=Natural) 20 10 50/shrub 30 70 90 60 26
% Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mining upstream
Condition of Riparian Zone ND ND ND flowers ND ND ND ND
Grazing ** ND 0 0 2 0 1 ND ND
Erosion *** ND 0 0 1 0 2 upstream/road NC ND
* Code = Selenge River Project (SRP) followed by two digits for year, two digits for month and two digits for day and two digits for site number sequence for that day.
**Grazing Codes (estimated from field notes for riparian zone): 0=no grazing evident; 1=slight grazing; 2=moderate grazing; 3=heavy/mixed grazing; 4=heavy grazing.
***Erosion Codes (estimated from field notes for riparian zone): 0=no erosion evident; 1=slight erosion; 2=moderate erosion; 3=heavy/mixed erosion; 4=heavy erosion.

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