2004 Research Data: Third Order Streams

Code* SRP04070403a SRP04070503 SRPO4070803 SRPO4071102 SRPO4071305 SRPO4071402 SRPO4071803 SRPO4071902 SRPO4072101 SRPO4072102
GPS N 46.79062 46.70964 47.05722 47.04409 47.00226 47.50523 47.75747 47.94551 48.72943 48.62624
GPS E 103.32486 103.29938 102.99191 101.76352 100.91051 100.93208 99.35827 99.40171 98.19552 97.89617
Elevation m 1665 1694 1519 1902 2228 1728 2215 2108 1714 1831
Site Name Ovorkhangai Ovorkhangai Ovorhangay Arkhangai Arkhangay Arkhangay Arkhangay Arkhangay Zavkhan Zavkhan
Aimag Ovorkhangai Ovorkhangai Ovorhangay Arkhangai Arkhangay Arkhangay Arkhangay Arkhangay Zavkhan Zavkhan
Soum Esonzyil Olziyt Kharkhorin Tsenkher Bulgan Ikhtamir Hangay Hangay Tosontsengel Tosontsengel
Location Description MONGOLIA:Ovorhangay Aimag, Esonzyil Soum
Zegst/Sarin Gol, 74 km NW of Arvayheer
MONGOLIA:Ovorhangay Aimag, Olziyt Soum
Zegesteyn Gol at Millenium Road A0301
MONGOLIA:Ovorhangay Aimag, Kharkhorin Soum
Kharzani Gol 3.5 km NE of Shankh Bridgade
MONGOLIA:Arkhangay Aimag, Tsenkher Soum
Tsetserleg Gol ~50 km SSW of Tavanbulag
MONGOLIA:Arkhangay Aimag, Bulgan Soum
Chandman Gol, tributary of Khairkhan Davaani Gol
~80 km SW of Tsetserleg
MONGOLIA:Arkhangay Aimag, Ikhtamir Soum
NW braid of Khoit Tamir Gol ~25 km SW of Ikhtamir
MONGOLIA:Arkhangay Aimag, Khangay Soum
Khoit Ekhnii Gol ~13 km SW of Khunt
MONGOLIA:Arkhangay Aimag, Khangay Soum
Urd Terkhiin Gol/Tatuur Gol ~10 km N of Khunt
MONGOLIA:Zavkhan Aimag, Tosontsengel Soum
oxbow of Ideriin Gol 9 km SW of Tosontsengel
MONGOLIA:Zavkhan Aimag, Tosontsengel Soum
Gunza Gol ~38 km SW of Tosontsengel
Click on Site Photograph to enlarge
Date 5-Jul-2004 5-Jul-2004 8-Jul-2004 11-Jul-2004 13-Jul-2004 14-Jul-2004 18-Jul-2004 19-Jul-2004 21-Jul-2004 21-Jul-2004
Water Origin Overland Run-off ND Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off Overland Run-off
Flow Perennial ND Perennial Perennial Intermittent  Perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial
Stream Order 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3, possibly 2 3 3
Water temp deg C 18.2 26 15 18.9 14.9 11.7 17 14.7 17.8 8.1
Conductivity mS/cm 1.34 0.849 ND 0.0108 0.035 0.065 0.037 0.114 0.204 0.214
DO ppm 7.69 11.14 1.5? 8.1 6.79 6.12 10.37 9.41 10.89 13
Turbidity NTU 44.7 ND 7.8 3.1 2.8 1.5 2.7 ND 4.8 1.9
pH 8.65 8.64 ND 7.01 6.57 6.17 6.26 7.14 8.87 8.29
Nitrate (NO3-N) mg/L 0 ND ND ND 0.09 0.18 0.17 ND ND 0.13
Nitrite (NO2) mg/L 0.01 ND ND ND 0.038 0.03 0.017 ND ND 0.025
Ammonia (NH3-N) mg/L 0.05 ND ND ND 0.01 0.15 0.015 ND ND ND
Salinity % saturation 0.06 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
Dominant Substrate Cobble Gravel Silt Cobble Boulder/Cobble/Gravel Cobble/Gravel/Silt Cobble Gravel Silt Sand
Watershed Characterization: Estimate from outer banks to 1 km out
% Forest ND ND 0 40 35 20 60 5 10 20
% Shrubs ND ND 0 20 5 0 10 5 5 5
% Forbs ND ND 5 20 40 30 30 45 40 40
% Grasslands ND ND 95 20 20 50 0 45 45 35
% Other ND ND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Landuse in Watershed:  Estimate from outer banks to 1 km out
% Grazing ND 95 90 60 55 70 0 90 90 75
% Town ND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% Ger ND 5 10 10 5 20 0 10 10 5
% Mining ND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% Natural ND 0 0 30 40 10 100 0 0 20
% Other ND road 0 Logging 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
Channel Characterization:  Left Descending Bank, Estimate from stream to highest outer bank
% Forest ND 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 5
% Shrubs ND 0 0 50 0 5 60 0 0 65
% Forbs ND 2 5 40 80 30 30 50 40 25
% Grasslands ND 98 95 10 20 5 10 50 60 5
% Other ND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Channel Characterization:  Right Descending Bank, Estimate from stream to highest outer bank
% Forest ND 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 40
% Shrubs ND 0 0 30 0 10 60 0 0 40
% Forbs ND 2 5 40 80 25 30 50 40 20
% Grasslands ND 98 95 30 20 5 10 50 60 0
% Other ND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Estimates of Grazing and Erosion
Grazing** 2 4 3 2 1 2 0 3 4 2
Erosion in Watershed*** 4 2 3 2 1 3 0 4 3 1
Erosion in Stream Channel**** 1 1 3 1 1 2 0 3 3 1
Notes Grazing is 4 in watershed, but 2 near stream. Site is covered by seeps of tannic acid, a sping, ponds, effluent, and a stream. Great site. Horses, cattle and sheep went through seep areas to drink(?). Some grazing but good habitat still above ridge (outside stream/seep spring channel). Heavy grazing. Several gers, sheep, cattle, yaks, goats, but stream looks good.  Large green male found in tall grass far from stream. New roads above some runoff, logging above Alpine stream w/some herds of yaks and horses above site. Rocky, high gradient stream. Hard to tell the difference b/t grazing erosion and alpine hard scrable. Herdspeople said their montane valley has changed in the last 10-20 years. Birch has disappeared and stream has dried in places. Park like with trees (Populus salix) and grasses and forbs. We collected along a small, meandering braid with nice riffle, run, pool sequences and good riparian habitat. Site appears relatively unmodified. It is composed of rocky (volcanic) substrate and marshy areas and seeps. Yaks, goats everywhere! Series of pools connected by small stream. Sandy bottom stream with shrubs, some new growth larch stands. Grazed but not too mcuh recent grazing. Drier climate, more dryland plants.
NA=Not Applicable
ND=No Data
* Code = Selenge River Project (SRP) followed by two digits for year, two digits for month and two digits for day and two digits for site number sequence for that day.
**Grazing Codes: 0=no grazing evident; 1=slight grazing; 2=moderate grazing; 3=heavy/mixed grazing; 4=heavy grazing.
***Erosion in Watershed Codes: 0=no erosion evident; 1=slight erosion; 2=moderate erosion; 3=heavy/mixed erosion; 4=heavy erosion.
****Erosion in Stream Channel Codes: 0=no erosion evident; 1=slight erosion; 2=moderate erosion; 3=heavy/mixed erosion; 4=heavy erosion.

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