The Academy of Natural Sciences Academy of Natural Sciences
Ichthyology : Search
About the Department Staff All Catfish Species Inventory
Primary Types Imagebase Collection Database CAS Catalog of Fishes

records found
Your search ran the following query:
SELECT fish.genus, species, catalog_number, country, state, number_alch, number_skel, number_CS, type_status, field_number, size, determiner, county, collector, loc_date, locality, primary_remarks, loc_remarks, family, subspecies, cof_lookup, lat_dd, long_dd, latitude, longitude, fish.questionable, cont_ocean, waterbody, gear, depth, salinity FROM fish left join fish_family on fish.genus = fish_family.genus
where catalog_number = '22004'
order by genus, species, country, state, county

List of ANSP Collections The base image used on the maps is The Blue Marble image, courtesy of NASA's Visible Earth team, overlain by the World Vector Shoreline dataset, courtesy of NGA(DMA) and NOAA/NGDC.