This database contains 549,991 records related to approximately 450,000 lots in the Malacology department collections. These records are derived from three sources 1) the handwritten catalogs for the collection, 2) detailed computer catalog records for specimens cataloged since 1976, and 3) records of an ongoing crosscheck of these records against lots in the collection. These records cover 394,524 distinct catalog numbers applied to dry specimens, and 24,145 catalog numbers applied to alcohol specimens. Capture of the verbatim catalog records served here was supported by National Science Foundation grant DBI-9728996.

Taxon Name is identification to lowest level known and includes Author and Year for binomial taxa (use wild cards to search, e.g. Architectonica perspectiv* or *bisecta*). Locality name includes country and state names and may include more detailed information. Searches on taxon name or locality without wildcards seldom return results.

Use * as a wildcard
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Data Last Updated: 2010 June 1