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Reference REEVE002
Reeve, L.A. (1843). Monograph of the genus Pleurotoma . pp. pls 1-18 in Reeve, L.A. Conchologia Iconica. London : L. Reeve & Co. Vol.1
Reference Type: BS
Author(s): Reeve, L.A.
Year of Publication: 1843
Date of Publication:
Title: Monograph of the genus Pleurotoma .
Book Title: Monograph of the genus Pleurotoma .
Editor: Reeve, L.A.
Part No:
Publisher: L. Reeve & Co.
Place: London
Volume: 1
Pages: pls 1-18
Total Pages:
Start Page: 1
End Page: 18
Names Mentioned
Turricula javana (Linnaeus, 1767)
Lophiotoma acuta (Perry, 1811)
Turris undosa (Lamarck, 1816)
Turris crispa crispa (Lamarck, 1816)
Clavus unizonalis (Lamarck, 1822)
Lophiotoma cingulifera (Lamarck, 1822)
Ptychobela flavidula (Lamarck, 1822)
Gemmula (Unedogemmula) unedo (Kiener, 1839)
Clavus laetus (Hinds, 1843)
Pseudoraphitoma pyramis (Hinds, 1843)
Reference record (intRefID=10529) created by Peter Ulrik Middelfart on 2000-11-16 22:37:38. Record not subsequently updated.