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Reference PONDER1980A

Ponder, W.F. & Creese, R.A. (1980). A revision of the Australian species of Notoacmaea, Collisella and Patelloida (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Acmaeidae). Journal of the Malacological Society of Australasia. 4 (4): 167–208

Ponder, W.F. & Creese, R.A., 1980 [30 June].{A revision of the Australian species of i Notoacmaeai0 , i Collisellai0 and i Patelloidai0 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Acmaeidae)f1fs17 }. J. Malac. Soc. Aust., 4(4):167-208.

Date of Publication: 30 June
Journal Notes: Previously entitled the Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia.

Names Mentioned

   Patelloida saccharina stella Lesson, 1830
   Patella stella Lesson, 1830
   Notoacmea conoidea (Quoy and Gaimard, 1834)
   Patella stellaris Quoy & Gaimard, 1834
   Patelloida conoidea Qouy and Gaimard, 1834
   Notoacmea flammea (Quoy and Gaimard, 1834)
   Patelloida Quoy and Gaimard, 1834
   Patelloida flammea Qouy and Gaimard, 1834
   Patella onychitis Menke, 1843
   Patella insignis Menke, 1843
   Lottia onychitis (Menke, 1843)
   Patelloida insignis (Menke, 1843)
   Patella mixta Reeve, 1855
   Patelloida nigrosulcata (Reeve, 1855)
   Lottia mixta (Reeve, 1855)
   Patella nigrosulcata Reeve, 1855
   Patelloida profunda (Deshayes, 1863)
   Patelloida profunda calamus Crosse & Fischer, 1864
   Patelloida profunda calamus (Crosse & Fischer, 1864)
   Patella latistrigata Angas, 1865
   Acmaea scabrilirata Angas, 1865
   Patella alticostata Angas, 1865
   Acmaea subundulata Angas, 1865
   Patelloida latistrigata (Angas, 1865)
   Patelloida alticostata (Angas, 1865)
   Collisella Dall, 1871
   Collisellina Dall, 1871
   Acmaea petterdi Tenison Woods, 1876
   Acmaea crucis Tenison Woods, 1876
   Acmaea marmorata Tenison Woods, 1876
   Notoacmea petterdi (Tenison Woods, 1876)
   Acmaea marmorata submamorata Pilsbry, 1891
   Acmaea patellavecta Verco, 1912
   Acmaea calamus polyactina Verco, 1912
   Notoacmea Iredale, 1915
   Patelloida mufria (Hedley, 1915)
   Parvacmea Iredale, 1915
   Notoacmea Iredale, 1915
   Acmaea mufria Hedley, 1915
   Patelloida corrodenda May, 1920
   Notoacmea corrodenda (May, 1920)
   Notoacmea mayi (May, 1923)
   Patelloida mayi May, 1923
   Patelloida mimula (Iredale, 1924)
   Radiacmea insignis cavilla Iredale, 1924
   Notoacmea mixta mimula Iredale, 1924
   Patelloida alticostata antelia Iredale, 1924
   Notoacmea flammea diminuta Iredale, 1924
   Patelloida alticostata complinata Iredale, 1924
   Patelloida heteromorpha (Oliver, 1926)
   Notoacmea alta (Oliver, 1926)
   Subacmea Oliver, 1926
   Chiazacmea heteromorpha Oliver, 1926
   Notoacmea (Conacmea) alta Oliver, 1926
   Notoacmea (Conacmea) corrosa Oliver, 1926
   Chiazacmea flammea queenslandiae Oliver, 1926
   Conacmea Oliver, 1926
   Patelloida bellatula (Iredale, 1929)
   Collisellina bellatula Iredale, 1929
   Patella victoriana Singleton, 1937
   Patelloida victoriana (Singleton, 1937)
   Acmaea eccentrica Test, 1945
   Patelloida cryptalirata (Macpherson, 1955)
   Notoacmea granulosa Macpherson, 1955
   Chiazacmea cryptalirata Macpherson, 1955
   Chiazacmea ater Macpherson, 1955
   Chiazacmea flammea marrowi Christians, 1975
   Patelloida profunda ivani Christiaens, 1975
   Patelloida profunda ivani Christiaens, 1975


Reference record (intRefID=1143) created by on 1900-01-01 00:00:00. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2002-07-04 20:12:29.