OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database
Data as of: 2006-05-17
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Reference SMITH1884A
Smith, E.A. (1884). Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of the 'Alert', 1881-1882. Part 1. The collections from Melanesia. Mollusca: 34-508, 657-659, pls IV-XLIV. British Museum (Natural History), London.
Reference Type: M
Author(s): Smith, E.A.
Year of Publication: 1884
Date of Publication:
Title: Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of the 'Alert', 1881-1882. Part 1. The collections from Melanesia. Mollusca: 34-508, 657-659, pls IV-XLIV
Book Title: Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of the 'Alert', 1881-1882. Part 1. The collections from Melanesia. Mollusca: 34-508, 657-659, pls IV-XLIV
Part No:
Total Pages:
Start Page: 0
End Page: 0
Names Mentioned
Arca navicularis Bruguière, 1789
Arca (Arca) navicularis Bruguière, 1789
Euchelus atratus (Gmelin, 1791)
Acrosterigma maculosum (Wood, 1815)
Hybochelus cancellatus (Krauss, 1848)
Isanda coronata A. Adams, 1854
Melanella martinii (A. Adams, 1854)
Murex (Murex) brevispina macgillivrayi Dohrn, 1862
Murex (Murex) acanthostephes Watson, 1883
Reference record (intRefID=1190) created by on 1900-01-01 00:00:00. Record not subsequently updated.