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Reference REEVE112
Reeve, L.A. (1857). Monograph of the genus Psammotella . pl. 1 in Reeve, L.A. Conchologia Iconica. London : L. Reeve. Vol.10
Reference Type: BS
Author(s): Reeve, L.A.
Year of Publication: 1857
Date of Publication:
Title: Monograph of the genus Psammotella .
Book Title: Monograph of the genus Psammotella .
Editor: Reeve, L.A.
Part No:
Publisher: L. Reeve
Place: London
Volume: 10
Pages: pl. 1
Total Pages:
Start Page: 0
End Page: 1
Reference record (intRefID=12050) created by Shannon Reid on 2000-11-21 02:53:49. Record not subsequently updated.