OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database
Data as of: 2006-05-17
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Reference CERNOHOR1974A
Cernohorsky, W.O. (1974). The taxonomy of some Indo-Pacific Mollusca with description of a new species. Part 2. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum. 11 : 121–142, 38 figs
Cernohorsky, W.O., 1974. The taxonomy of some Indo-Pacific Mollusca with description of a new species. Part 2.. Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus., 11:121-14238.
Journal Notes:
Names Mentioned
Conus moluccensis moluccensis Küster, 1838
Conus moluccensis Kuster, 1838
Conus stainforthii Reeve, 1843
Ricinula acuminata Reeve, 1846
Engina contracta (Reeve, 1846)
Ricinula contracta Reeve, 1846
Conus pulcher A. Adams, 1854
Conus proximus Sowerby II, 1859
Murex dentifer Watson, 1883
Conus excelsus Sowerby, 1908
Engina gannita Hedley, 1915
Ziba bantamensis (Oostingh, 1939)
Reference record (intRefID=1213) created by on 1900-01-01 00:00:00. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2002-06-26 22:30:24.