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Reference Marshall1995b

Marshall, B.A. (1995). Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) from New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands and the northern Lord Howe Rise . pp. 381–458 in Bouchet, P. (ed.). Résultants des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Vol. 14 . Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. 167 : 381–458

Reference Type: JS
Author(s): Marshall, B.A.
Year of Publication: 1995
Date of Publication:
Title: Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) from New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands and the northern Lord Howe Rise
Book Title: Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) from New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands and the northern Lord Howe Rise
Editor: Bouchet, P. (ed.)
Part No:
Volume: 167
Pages: 381-458
Total Pages: 381-458
Journal: Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat.

Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Start Page: 381
End Page: 458
Journal Notes: { fs24 par par f1fs17 }

Names Mentioned

   Dactylastele duplicatum (A. Adams, 1853)
   Laetifautor rubropunctatus (A. Adams, 1853)
   Astele (Coralastele) punctocostata (A. Adams, 1853)
   Dactylastele poupineli (Montrouzier, 1875)
   Calliostoma (Ampullotrochus) Monterosato, 1890
   Dactylastele burnupi (Smith, 1899)
   Dactylastele nevilli (Sowerby, 1905)
   Calliostoma (Fautor) admirandum Smith, 1906
   Calliostoma (Fautor) funiculare Melvill, 1906
   Bathyfautor multispinosum (Schepman, 1908)
   Selastele retiarium (Hedley & May, 1908)
   Calliostomatinae Thiele, 1924
   Calliostoma (Fautor) Iredale, 1924
   Laetifautor Iredale, 1929
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) Iredale, 1936
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) tosaense (Kuroda & Habe in Habe, 1961)
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) gendallli Marshall, 1979
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) paucicostatum Kosuge, 1984
   Thysanodontinae Marshall, 1988
   Thysanodonta boucheti Marshall, 1988
   Calliostoma (Ampullotrochus) heros Marshall, 1995
   Bathyfautor caledonicus Marshall, 1995
   Laetifautor fundatus Marshall, 1995
   Selastele pictum Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) paradigmatum Marshall, 1995
   Thysanodonta eucosmia Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) houbricki Marshall, 1995
   Thysanodonta festiva Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) chesterfieldense Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Ampullotrochus) xanthos Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Ampullotrochus) alisi Marshall, 1995
   Bathyfautor coriolis Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) boucheti Marshall, 1995
   Fautrix candida Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) necopinatum Marshall, 1995
   Thysanodonta chesterfieldensis Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) periglyptum Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) diadematum Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Ampullotrochus) peregrinum Marshall, 1995
   Bathyfautor rapuhia Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) richeri Marshall, 1995
   Fautrix aquilonia Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) metivieri Marshall, 1995
   Thysanodonta opima Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Fautor) vaubani Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) pertinax Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) cristatum Marshall, 1995
   Calliostoma (Benthastelena) kanakorum Marshall, 2001


Reference record (intRefID=13355) created by Shannon Reid on 2001-04-04 02:41:31. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2001-04-04 20:27:30.