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Reference RöckellRichard&Moolenbeek,1995
Röckel, D., Richard, G. & Moolenbeek, R.G. (1995). Deep-water Cones (Gastropoda: Conidae) from the New Caledonia region . p. in Bouchet, P. (ed.). Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 14 . Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. 167 : 557–594
Reference Type: JS
Author(s): Röckel, D., Richard, G. & Moolenbeek, R.G.
Year of Publication: 1995
Date of Publication:
Title: Deep-water Cones (Gastropoda: Conidae) from the New Caledonia region
Book Title: Deep-water Cones (Gastropoda: Conidae) from the New Caledonia region
Editor: Bouchet, P. (ed.)
Part No:
Volume: 167
Total Pages: 557-594
Journal: Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat.
Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Start Page: 0
End Page: 0
Journal Notes: {
par f1fs17 }
Names Mentioned
Conus cervus Lamarck, 1822
Conus pagodus Kiener, 1845
Conus dusaveli (H. Adams, 1872)
Conus capitanellus Fulton, 1938
Conus smirna Bartsch & Rehder, 1943
Conus stupa (Kuroda, 1956)
Conus profundorum (Kuroda, 1956)
Conus raoulensis Powell, 1958
Conus bruuni Powell, 1958
Conus kimioi (Habe, 1965)
Conus chiangi (Azuma, 1972)
Conus lani Crandall, 1979
Conus kanakinus Richard, 1983
Conus boucheti Richard, 1983
Conus tribblei queenslandis da Motta, 1984
Conus luciae Moolenbeek, 1986
Conus plinthis Richard & Moolenbeek, 1988
Conus richeri Richard & Moolenbeek, 1988
Conus darkini Röckel, Korn & Richard, 1993
Conus alisi Moolenbeek, Röckel & Richard, 1995
Conus vaubani Röckel & Moolenbeek, 1995
Reference record (intRefID=13474) created by Shannon Reid on 2001-05-03 20:17:34. Record not subsequently updated.