OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Reference PB0438

Iredale, T. (1939b). A review of the land Mollusca of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. 25 : 1–88, pl. 1–5.

Iredale, T., 1939b [[21 August].].A review of the land Mollusca of Western Australia.. J. Roy. Soc. W. A., 25:1-8815.

Date of Publication: [21 August].

Names Mentioned

   Bothriembryon (Bothriembryon) kingii (Gray, 1825)
   Bothriembryon (Bothriembryon) melo (Quoy and Gaimard, 1832)
   Bulimus rhodostomus Gray, 1834
   Bothriembryon (Bothriembryon) rhodostomus (Gray, 1834)
   Bothriembryon (Bothriembryon) bulla (Menke, 1843)
   Bothriembryon (Bothriembryon) indutus (Menke, 1843)
   Bothriembryon (Bothriembryon) sayi (Pfeiffer, 1847)
   Succinea (Succinea) menkeana Pfeiffer, 1850
   Luinodiscus sublesta (Benson, 1853)
   Lamprocystis lissa Smith, 1894
   Bothriembryon inflatus maculiferus Pilsbry, 1900
   Bothriembryon maxwelli Kobelt, 1901
   Dupucharopa Iredale, 1937


Reference record (intRefID=14767) created by Shannon Reid on 2001-11-05 23:57:06. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2002-07-02 00:02:04.