OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Reference PB0807

Powell, A. W. B. (1966). The molluscan families Speightiidae and Turridae, an evaluation of the valid taxa, both Recent and fossil, with list of characteristic species. Bulletin of the Auckland Institute and Museum. 5 : 1-184, pl. 1-23.

Powell, A. W. B., 1966. The molluscan families Speightiidae and Turridae, an evaluation of the valid taxa, both Recent and fossil, with list of characteristic species. . Bulletin of the Auckland Institute and Museum, 5:1-184123.

Names Mentioned

   Clavus Montfort, 1810
   (Paradaphne) Laseron, 1844
   (Daphnella) Hinds, 1844
   Cochlespira Conrad, 1865
   Cochlespira Conrad, 1865
   Leucosyrinx Dall, 1889
   Leucosyrinx Dall, 1889
   Pseudoraphitoma Boettger, 1895
   (Hemilienardia) Boettger, 1895
   Eucyclotoma Boettger, 1895
   Tomopleura Casey, 1904
   Gymnobela sibogae (Schepman, 1913)
   Kermia Oliver, 1915
   (Guraleus) Hedley, 1918
   Macteola Hedley, 1918
   Inquisitor Hedley, 1918
   Leicothara Hedley, 1922
   Marita Hedley, 1922
   (Acrista) Hedley, 1922
   (Ptychosyrinx) Thiele, 1925
   Marchallena Allan, 1926
   Marshallena Allan, 1926
   Zenopos Finlay, 1928
   Benthofascis Iredale, 1936
   Vexitomina Powell, 1942
   Maoritomella Powell, 1942
   Antiguraleus Powell, 1942
   Pulsarella Laseron, 1954
   Austrocarina Laseron, 1954


Reference record (intRefID=15148) created by Shannon Reid on 2001-11-06 17:51:33. Record not subsequently updated.