OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Reference Safriel & Felsenburg 1980

Safriel, U.N. & Felsenburg, T. (1980). The distribution of Brachidontes variabilis along the Red Sea coasts of Sinai . Argamon. (3) 7 : 31�43

Safriel, U.N. & Felsenburg, T., 1980. The distribution of Brachidontes variabilis along the Red Sea coasts of Sinai . Argamon3, 7:31-43.

Journal Notes:

Names Mentioned

   Brachidontes (Brachidontes) variabilis (Krauss, 1848)


Reference record (intRefID=16990) created by Peter Ulrik Middelfart on 2001-12-13 18:08:46. Record not subsequently updated.