OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Reference Kosuge1983e

Kosuge, S. & Dan, V., 1983. Studies on the Collection of Mr. Victor Dan (5) Note on Oocorys alcocki (Smith, 1906) (Gastropoda Oocorythidae). Bulletin of the Institute of Malacology, Tokyo 1(8):122-123

Kosuge, S. & Dan, V., 1983. Studies on the Collection of Mr. Victor Dan (5) Note on Oocorys alcocki (Smith, 1906) (Gastropoda Oocorythidae) . Bull. Inst. Malac. Tokyo, 1(8):122-123.

Journal Notes:


Reference record (intRefID=17942) created by benamy on 2002-05-03 13:57:12. Record not subsequently updated.