OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Reference Kazmi1997a

Kazmi, Q. B. & Tirmizi, N. M., 1997. On two species of Armina: A. babai (Tchang-Si, 1934) and A. punctilopsis Lin, 1992 (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) from Pakistani coasts of the Indian Ocean with a note on egg ribbons of A. babai. Vita Marina 44(3-4):51-59

Kazmi, Q. B. & Tirmizi, N. M., 1997. . , 44(3-4):51-59.


Reference record (intRefID=18627) created by benamy on 2002-07-16 14:47:31. Record not subsequently updated.