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Reference BlakeOliver1982a

Blake, A.F. & Oliver, P.G., 1982. Handlists of the Molluscan Collections in the Department of Zoology, National Museum of Wales. The Melvill-Tomlin Collection. Part 13. Naticacea..

Reference Type:
Author(s): Blake, A.F. & Oliver, P.G.
Year of Publication: 1982
Date of Publication:
Book Title:
Part No: 13
Series: 1
Publisher: National Museum of Wales, Cardiff
Total Pages:

Start Page: 1
End Page: 15

Names Mentioned

   Polinices (Mammilla) mammatus Roding, 1798
   Natica collei Récluz, 1844
   Polinices (Mammilla) macrostoma Philippi, 1852
   Polinices (Polinices) vavaosi Le Guillou in Reeve, 1855
   Natica forata Reeve, 1855
   Tectonatica adamsiana Dunker, 1860
   Polinices (Glossaulax) reiniana Dunker, 1877
   Tectonatica simplex simplex Sowerby, 1897
   Natica labrotincta Sowerby, 1900
   Natica telaaraneae Melvill, 1901
   Polinices (Neverita) sagamiensis (Pilsbry, 1904)
   Polinices (Glossaulax) aulacoglossa (Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1908)
   Natica supraornata Schepman, 1909
   Tectonatica figurata Sowerby, 1914
   Natica bibalteata Sowerby, 1914
   Tectonatica simplex saldontiana Bartsch, 1915
   Tectonatica aureozona Tomlin, 1921
   Natica migratoria Powell, 1927
   Tectonatica janthostomoides Kuroda & Habe, 1949


Reference record (intRefID=19446) created by Mark Kitson on 2002-09-04 15:38:16. Record not subsequently updated.