OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Reference WOODWARD1879A

Woodward, B.B. (1879). Notes on a collection of fossil shells etc., from Sumatra (obtained by M. Verbeek, Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast, Sumatra). . Geological Magazine. (Decade 2) 6 : 385–549, pls 10–15

Woodward, B.B., 1879. Notes on a collection of fossil shells etc., from Sumatra (obtained by M. Verbeek, Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast, Sumatra). . Geological MagazineDecade 2, 6:385-5491015.

Journal Notes:


Reference record (intRefID=19602) created by Holly Barlow on 2002-09-30 00:35:14. Record not subsequently updated.