OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database
Data as of: 2006-05-17
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Reference Meechan1987a
Meechan, C. & Oliver, P.G., 1987. The Melvill-Tomlin Collection. Handlists of the Molluscan Collections in the Department of Zoology, National Museum of Wales. Parts 37, 38, 39 and 40. Dreissenacea, Gaimardiacea, Arcticacea and Glossacea..
Reference Type:
Author(s): Meechan, C. & Oliver, P.G.
Year of Publication: 1987
Date of Publication:
Book Title:
Part No: 37,38,39,40
Series: 1
Publisher: National Musuem of Wales
Place: Cardiff
Total Pages:
Start Page: 0
End Page: 0
Names Mentioned
Trapezium guinaca Lamarck, 1819
Trapezium (Neotrapezium) liratum Reeve, 1843
Coralliophaga incarnata Reeve, 1843
Meiocardia tetragonostoma Adams & Reeve, 1850
Acanthocardia Gray, 1851
Trapezium tenuis Rousseau, 1854
Trapezium modesta Deshayes, 1863
Parvicardium turtoni Sowerby, 1894
Afrocardium exochum Melvill & Standen, 1906
Acanthocardia omanense Melvill & Standen, 1906
Afrocardium shepstonense Tomlin, 1931
Reference record (intRefID=19680) created by Mark Kitson on 2002-11-05 16:06:44. Record not subsequently updated.