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Reference Houart1995E
Houart, R., 1995. The Trophoninae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) of the New Caledonian region. pp.459-498 In:Bouchet, P. Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM. Memoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 14:459-498
Reference Type: JS
Author(s): Houart, R.
Year of Publication: 1995
Date of Publication:
Title: The Trophoninae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) of the New Caledonian region
Book Title: The Trophoninae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) of the New Caledonian region
Part No:
Volume: 14
Total Pages:
Journal: Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM. Vol. 2. Memoire
Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM. Memoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Start Page: 459
End Page: 498
Names Mentioned
Apixystus plicilaminatus (Verco, 1909)
Pagodula obtuselirata (Schepman, 1911)
Leptotrophon spinacutus (Houart, 1986)
Trophonopsis multigradus (Houart, 1990)
Conchatalos lacrima (Houart, 1991)
Conchatalos tirardi (Houart, 1991)
Leptotrophon surprisensis Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon protocarinatus Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon musorstomae Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon metivieri Houart, 1995
Conchatalos canalibrevis Houart, 1995
Splendrillia (Unplaced) intermedia Wells, 1995
Leptotrophon lineorugosus Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon bernadettae Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon virginiae Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon inaequalis Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon richeri Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon biocalae Houart, 1995
Conchatalos vaubani Houart, 1995
Splendrillia (Unplaced) striata Wells, 1995
Leptotrophon levii Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon caledonicus Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon marshalli Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon coriolis Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon coralensis Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon minispinosus Houart, 1995
Litozamia tropis Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon caroae Houart, 1995
Leptotrophon rigidus Houart, 1995
Reference record (intRefID=20195) created by Peter Ulrik Middelfart on 2004-01-27 19:45:20. Record not subsequently updated.