OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database
Data as of: 2006-05-17
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Reference Sykes1907A
Sykes, E. R., 1907. Reports on the marine biology of the sudanese Red Sea. V. On the Polyplacophora, or Chitons. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology) 31(203):31-34
Sykes, E. R., 1907. Reports on the marine biology of the sudanese Red Sea. V. On the Polyplacophora, or Chitons . Journ. Linn. Soc., 31(203):31-34.
Names Mentioned
Cryptoplax striata (Lamarck, 1819)
Acanthopleura spiniger (Sowerby, 1840)
Craspedochiton laqueatus (Sowerby, 1841)
Tonicia (Lucilina) sueziensis (Reeve, 1847)
Acanthochitona penicillata (Deshayes, 1863)
Rhyssoplax affinis Issel, 1869
Cryptoplax burrowi (E.A. Smith, 1884)
Acanthochitona nierstraszi (Sykes, 1907)
Callistochiton crosslandi Sykes, 1907
Reference record (intRefID=20414) created by Peter Ulrik Middelfart on 2004-07-14 19:20:43. Record not subsequently updated.