OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database
Data as of: 2006-05-17
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Reference Okutani2004A
Okutani, T., Hashimoto, J & Sasaki, T., 2004. New gastropod taxa from an hydrothermal vent (Karei field) in the Central Indian Ocean. Venus 63(1-2):1-11
Okutani, T., Hashimoto, J & Sasaki, T., 2004. New gastropod taxa from an hydrothermal vent (Karei field) in the Central Indian Ocean . Jap. Jour. Malac., 63(1-2):1-11.
Journal Notes:
Names Mentioned
Desbruyeresia marisindica Okutani, Hashimoto & Sasaki, 2004
Iphinopsis boucheti Okutani, Hashimoto & Sasaki, 2004
Bruceiella wareni Okutani, Hashimoto & Sasaki, 2004
Reference record (intRefID=20477) created by Peter Ulrik Middelfart on 2004-10-05 18:55:46. Record not subsequently updated.