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Reference Kilbu1995x6a

Kilburn, R.N. (1992). Turridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of southern Africa and Mozambique, Part 6 Mangeliinae, sect. 1. . Annals of the Natal Museum. 33 (2): 461–575

Kilburn, R.N., 1992. Turridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of southern Africa and Mozambique, Part 6 Mangeliinae, sect. 1. . Ann. Natal Mus., 33(2):461-575.

Names Mentioned

   Mangelia coronata Hinds, 1843
   Pleurotoma triticea Reeve, 1843
   Eucithara coronata (Hinds, 1843)
   Mangelia celebensis Hinds, 1843
   Mangelia cinnamomea Hinds, 1843
   Mangelia vittata Hinds, 1843
   Mangelia turricula Reeve, 1846
   Gingicithara cylindrica (Reeve, 1846)
   Mangelia ponderosa Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia pallida Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia bicolor Reeve, 1846
   Mangilia obesa Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia planilabrum Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia pellucida Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia abyssicola Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia angulata Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia novaehollandiae Reeve, 1846
   Eucithara gracilis (Reeve, 1846)
   Mangelia zonata Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia stromboides Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia cylindrica Reeve, 1846
   Eucithara gibbosa (Reeve, 1846)
   Mangelia hornbeckii Reeve, 1846
   Mangilia reticulata Reeve, 1846
   Gingicithara lyrica (Reeve, 1846)
   Mangelia crassilabrum Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia gracilis Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia tenebrosa Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia capillacea Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia fusiformis Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia nana Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia elegans Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia pessulata Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia gibbosa Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia vittata Reeve, 1846
   Mangelia lyrica Reeve, 1846
   Citharomangelia pellucida (Reeve, 1846)
   Leiocithara angulata (Reeve, 1846)
   Mangelia cithara Gould, 1849
   Cythara angiostoma Pease, 1868
   Cithara richardi Crosse, 1869
   Cithara delacouriana Crosse, 1869
   Pleurotoma boakei G. & H. Nevill, 1869
   Pleurotoma guestieri Souverbie in Souverbie & Montrouzier, 1872
   Cythara gradata G. & H. Nevill, 1875
   Cythara interstriata E. A. Smith, 1876
   Cythara unilineata E. A. Smith, 1876
   Pleurotoma bathyraphe E. A. Smith, 1882
   Pleurotoma rubrocincta E. A. Smith, 1882
   Mangelia anna Jousseaume, 1883
   Mangilia reevei Tryon, 1884
   Cythara cylindrica var. E. A. Smith, 1884
   Cythara vitiensis E. A. Smith, 1884
   Cithara striatella E. A. Smith, 1884
   Cithara seychellarum E. A. Smith, 1884
   Cythara waterhousei E. A. Smith, 1884
   Pleurotoma denticulata E. A. Smith, 1884
   Mangilia planilabroides Tryon, 1884
   Cithara matakuana E. A. Smith, 1884
   Cithara elevata E. A. Smith, 1884
   Pleurotoma notabilis E. A. Smith, 1888
   Pleurotoma lischkei E. A. Smith, 1888
   Cythara ringens Sowerby, 1893
   Cythara guentheri Sowerby, 1893
   Cithara compressicostata Boettger, 1895
   Mangilia townsendi Sowerby, 1895
   Mangilia quadrasi Boettger, 1895
   Mangilia euselma Melvill & Standen, 1896
   Mangilia (Cythara) psalterium Melvill & Standen, 1896
   Cithara capillata Hervier, 1897
   Cithara semizonata Hervier, 1897
   Cithara subgibbosa Hervier, 1897
   Cithara eupoecila Hervier, 1897
   Cythara hypercalles Melvill, 1898
   Cithara subgracilis Hervier, 1898
   Cithara raffini Hervier, 1898
   Mangilia galigensis Melvill, 1899
   Mangilia (Cythara) chionea Melvill & Standen, 1899
   Cythara typhonata Melvill & Standen, 1901
   Mangilia eudeli Sowerby, 1901
   Mangilia africana Sowerby, 1903
   Mangilia apollinea Melvill, 1904
   Mangilia peraffinis Pilsbry, 1904
   Mangilia brunneolineata Preston, 1905
   Mangilia cazioti Preston, 1905
   Cythara optabilis Sowerby, 1907
   Eucithara striatissima (Sowerby, 1907)
   Cythara striatissima Sowerby, 1907
   Leiocithara infulata (Hedley, 1909)
   Cythara quadrilineata Sowerby, 1913
   Mangilia (Cithara) zonata var. plurilineata Bouge & Dautzenberg, 1914
   Mangilia evanescens Bouge & Dautzenberg, 1914
   Cythara duplaris Melvill, 1923
   Mangelia macrocephala Thiele, 1925
   Mangelia musae Thiele, 1925
   Mangilia bisacchii Hornung & Mermod, 1928
   Glyphostoma gruveli Dautzenberg, 1932
   Mangilia translucens Barnard, 1958


Reference record (intRefID=2824) created by on 1900-01-01 00:00:00. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2001-03-04 20:24:35.