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Reference Marsh1983x41

Marshall, B.A. (1983). A revision of the Recent Triphoridae of southern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum. 2 : 1–119

Marshall, B.A., 1983 [31/Dec/1983].A revision of the Recent Triphoridae of southern Australia.. Rec. Aust. Mus, 2:0-0.

Date of Publication: 31/Dec/1983

Names Mentioned

   Triphora gemmata Blainville, 1828
   Triforis Deshayes, 1834
   Viriola elegans (Hinds, 1843)
   Triphoris elegans Hinds, 1843
   Viriola corrugata (Hinds, 1843)
   Triphoridae Gray, 1847
   Cheirodonta labiata (A. Adams, 1851)
   Aclophoropsis festiva (A. Adams, 1851)
   Monophorus nigrofusca (A. Adams, 1851)
   Triphoris festivus A. Adams, 1851
   Hedleytriphora scitula (A. Adams, 1851)
   Triphoris nigrofuscus A. Adams, 1851
   Triphoris scitulus A. Adams, 1851
   Mesophora fusca (Dunker, 1860)
   Triforis fusca Dunker, 1860
   Opimaphora triticea (Pease, 1861)
   Monophorus angasi (Crosse & Fischer, 1865)
   Triphorus granosus Pease, 1870
   Triphoris pallidus Pease, 1870
   Mesophora granosa (Pease, 1870)
   Bouchetriphora pallida (Pease, 1870)
   Isotriphora tasmanica (Tenison Woods, 1875)
   Triforis tasmanica Tenison Woods, 1875
   Seilarex turritelliformis (Angas, 1877)
   Inella Bayle, 1879
   Hedleytriphora fasciata (Tenison Woods, 1879)
   Triforis fasciata Tenison Woods, 1879
   Aclophora xystica (Jousseaume, 1884)
   Obesula obesula (Jousseaume, 1884)
   Metaxia Monterosato, 1884
   Tetraphora (Unplaced) granifera (Brazier, 1894)
   Triforis graniferus Brazier, 1894
   Triphora taeniolta Hervier, 1897
   Subulophora rutilans (Hervier, 1897)
   Triphora iniqua (Jousseaume, 1898)
   Triphora kesteveni Hedley, 1903
   Triphora maculosa Hedley, 1903
   Triphora albovittata Hedley, 1903
   Hedleytriphora innotabilis (Hedley, 1903)
   Triphora regina Hedley, 1903
   Sagenotriphora ampulla (Hedley, 1903)
   Triphora innotabilis Hedley, 1903
   Triphora nocturna Hedley, 1903
   Triphora ampulla Hedley, 1903
   Latitriphora kesteveni (Hedley, 1903)
   Aclophoropsis maculosa (Hedley, 1903)
   Obesula albovittata (Hedley, 1903)
   Nototriphora regina (Hedley, 1903)
   Eutriphora armillata (Verco, 1909)
   Latitriphora latilirata (Verco, 1909)
   Inella spina (Verco, 1909)
   Eutriphora cana (Verco, 1909)
   Hypotriphora subula (Verco, 1909)
   Obesula tribulationis (Hedley, 1909)
   Obesula mamillata (Verco, 1909)
   Teretriphora gemmegens (Verco, 1909)
   Isotriphora disjuncta (Verco, 1909)
   Teretriphora spica (Verco, 1909)
   Triphora tribulationis Hedley, 1909
   Isotriphora nivea (Verco, 1909)
   Teretriphora novapostrema (Verco, 1910)
   Isotriphora aureovincta (Verco, 1910)
   Inella obliqua May, 1915
   Inella obliqua (May, 1915)
   Seilarex Iredale, 1924
   Teretriphora Finlay, 1926
   Teretriphora Finlay, 1927
   Notosinister Finlay, 1926
   Hedleytriphora elata (Thiele, 1930)
   Metaxia fuscoapicata Thiele, 1930
   Isotriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
   Eutriphora Cotton & Godfrey, 1931
   Mastoniaeforis ofuensis (Baker & Spicer, 1935)
   Opimilda protolineata Laseron, 1951
   Metaxia protolineata (Laseron, 1951)
   Seilarex verconis Cotton, 1951
   Tetraphora (Unplaced) mcgilpi (Cotton, 1953)
   Notosinister pocula Laseron, 1954
   Magnosinister hedleyi Laseron, 1954
   Notosinister glaciala Laseron, 1954
   Notosinister robusta Laseron, 1954
   Notosinister tricolor Laseron, 1954
   Notosinister stramentia Laseron, 1954
   Magnosinister Laseron, 1954
   Notosinister grandiosa Laseron, 1954
   Solosinister pagoda Laseron, 1954
   Aclophoropsis univitta (Laseron, 1954)
   Magnosinister hedleyi Laseron, 1954
   Nototriphora sarcira (Laseron, 1954)
   Notosinister univitta Laseron, 1954
   Notosinister alborda Laseron, 1954
   Isotriphora echina Laseron, 1954
   Eutriphora tricolor (Laseron, 1954)
   Notosinister fulvalinearis Laseron, 1954
   Nanaphora tricolor Laseron, 1958
   Nanaphora Laseron, 1958
   Talophora subulata (Laseron, 1958)
   Aclophora Laseron, 1958
   Latitriphora conferta (Laseron, 1958)
   Opimaphora albogemmata Laseron, 1958
   Opimaphora sarcira Laseron, 1958
   Bouchetriphora aspergata (Laseron, 1958)
   Nanaphora tricolor Laseron, 1958
   Notosinister subulata Laseron, 1958
   Nanaphora Laseron, 1958
   Aclophora conferta Laseron, 1958
   Mesophora aspergata Laseron, 1958
   Viriolopsis fallax (Kay, 1979)
   Isotriphora vercoi Marshall, 1983
   Obesula profundior Marshall, 1983
   Euthymella kosugei Marshall, 1983
   Inella kimblae Marshall, 1983
   Viriolopsis occidua Marshall, 1983
   Bouchetriphora marrowi Marshall, 1983
   Inella carinata Marshall, 1983
   Hedleytriphora basimacula Marshall, 1983
   Isotriphora amethystina Marshall, 1983
   Aclophora hedleyi Marshall, 1983
   Viriola truncata Marshall, 1983
   Inella carinata Marshall, 1983
   Eutriphora pseudocana Marshall, 1983
   Nototriphora unicarinata Marshall, 1983
   Nototriphora vestita Marshall, 1983
   Inella intercalaris Marshall, 1983
   Inella obtusa Marshall, 1983
   Isotriphora simulata (Marshall, 1983)
   Aclophoropsis Marshall, 1983
   Monophorus australica Marshall, 1983
   Teretriphora ponderorum Marshall, 1983


Reference record (intRefID=3710) created by on 1900-01-01 00:00:00. Record not subsequently updated.