OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

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Reference Powel1964x73

Powell, A.W.B. (1964). The Family Turridae in the Indo-Pacific. Part 1. The Subfamily Turrinae. . Indo-Pacific Mollusca. 1 : 227–346

Powell, A.W.B., 1964 [31/Dec/1964].The Family Turridae in the Indo-Pacific. Part 1. The Subfamily Turrinae. . Indo-Pacific Mollusca, 1:227-346.

Date of Publication: 31/Dec/1964

Names Mentioned

   Murex babylonius Linnaeus, 1758
   Murex polytropus Helbling, 1779
   Lophioturris indica (Röding, 1798)
   Turris Röding, 1798
   Pleurotoma Lamarck, 1799
   Pleurotomus Montfort, 1810
   Pleurotoma acuta Perry, 1811
   Lophiotoma acuta (Perry, 1811)
   Pleurotoma crispa Lamarck, 1816
   Pleurotoma undosa Lamarck, 1816
   Turris crispa crispa (Lamarck, 1816)
   Pleurotoma marmorata Lamarck, 1816
   Pleurotoma crispa Lamarck, 1816
   Turris undosa (Lamarck, 1816)
   Pleurotoma cingulifera Lamarck, 1822
   Pleurotoma fascialis Lamarck, 1822
   Pleurotoma albina Lamarck, 1822
   Lophiotoma cingulifera (Lamarck, 1822)
   Pleurotoma tigrina Lamarck, 1822
   Pleurotoma marmorata Lamarck, 1822
   Pleurotoma cryptorrhaphe Sowerby, 1825
   Murex elegans Wood, 1828
   Murex bicarinatus Wood, 1828
   Pleurotoma punctata Schubert & Wagner, 1829
   Pleurotoma indica Deshayes, 1832
   Pleurotoma indica Deshayes, 1832
   Pleurotoma grandis Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834
   Pleurotoma grandis Gray in Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834
   Pleurotoma carinata Gray, 1834
   Pleurotoma variegata Kiener, 1839
   Gemmula (Unedogemmula) unedo (Kiener, 1839)
   Pleurotoma woodi Kiener, 1839
   Pleurotoma deshayesii Doumet, 1839
   Gemmula (Gemmula) kieneri (Doumet, 1840)
   Pleurotoma babylonia Kiener, 1840
   Pleurotoma neglecta Reeve, 1842
   Turris spectabilis (Reeve, 1843)
   Pleurotoma abbreviata Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma garnonsii Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma spectabilis Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma annulata Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma hastula Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma brevicaudata Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma venusta Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma speciosa Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma abbreviata Reeve, 1843
   Pleurotoma ustulata Reeve, 1846
   Pleurotoma leucotropis Adams & Reeve, 1850
   Pleurotoma fagina Adams & Reeve, 1850
   Pleurotoma fusca Hombron & Jacquinot, 1853
   Turris monilifera Pease, 1860
   Gemmula (Gemmula) monilifera (Pease, 1860)
   Pleurotoma lirata Pease, 1869
   Pleurotoma (Turris) peaseana Dunker, 1871
   Pleurotoma amabilis Weinkauff, 1875
   Pleurotoma gracillima Weinkauff, 1875
   Gemmula (Gemmula) graeffei (Weinkauff, 1875)
   Pleurotoma gracillima Weinkauff, 1875
   Gemmula Weinkauff, 1875
   Pleurotoma jickelii Weinkauff, 1875
   Pleurotoma picturata Weinkauff, 1876
   Pleurotoma amicta E. A. Smith, 1877
   Pleurotoma multiseriata E. A. Smith, 1877
   Pleurotoma raffrayi Tapparone-Canefri, 1878
   Pleurotoma yeddoensis Jousseaume, 1883
   Pleurotoma xanthophaes Watson, 1886
   Epidirella xanthophaes (Watson, 1886)
   Pleurotoma bulowi Sowerby, 1888
   Pleurotoma notata Sowerby, 1889
   Pleurotoma congener E. A. Smith, 1894
   Gemmula (Gemmula) congener (E. A. Smith, 1894)
   Pleurotoma microscelida Dall, 1895
   Pleurotoma gendinganensis Martin, 1895
   Pleurotoma vagata E. A. Smith, 1895
   Pleurotoma praesignis E. A. Smith, 1895
   Pleurotoma optata E. A. Smith, 1899
   Pleurotoma bisinuata Martens, 1901
   Pleurotoma rotatilis Martens, 1902
   Pleurotoma gilchristi Sowerby, 1902
   Pleurotoma gemmulina Martens, 1902
   Pleurotoma lobata Sowerby, 1903
   Lophiotoma microsticta Casey, 1904
   Pleurotoma trypanodes Melvill, 1904
   Pleurotoma casearia Hedley & Petterd, 1906
   Lucerapex casearia (Hedley & Petterd, 1906)
   Pleurotoma lifuensis Sowerby, 1907
   Lophiotoma millepunctata (Sowerby, 1908)
   Hemipleurotoma tasmanica May, 1911
   Gemmula (Gemmula) sibogae (Schepman, 1913)
   Pleurotoma (Gemmula) truncata Schepman, 1913
   Surcula bijubata gatchensis Bouge & Dautzenburg, 1913
   Pleurotoma cingulifera flammulata Bouge & Dautzenberg, 1914
   Pleurotoma molengraaffi Tesch, 1915
   Pleurotoma timorensis Tesch, 1915
   Turris guadurensis Melvill, 1917
   Gemmula hombroni Hedley, 1922
   Gemmula (Gemmula) hombroni Hedley, 1922
   Turris ruthveniana Melvill, 1923
   Pleurotoma fusiformis Thiele, 1925
   Pleurotoma denticulata Thiele, 1925
   Pleurotoma carola Thiele, 1925
   Pleurotoma ducalis Thiele, 1925
   Pleurotoma padangensis Thiele, 1925
   Pleurotoma aethiopica Thiele, 1925
   Gemmula indagatoris Finlay, 1927
   Pleurotoma oxytropis Schumacher, 1928
   Xenuroturris legitima Iredale, 1929
   Gemmula (Pinguigemmula) thielei (Finlay, 1930)
   Turris cosmoi Sykes, 1930
   Gemmula thielei Finlay, 1930
   Epidirella Iredale, 1931
   Gemmula (Gemmula) hawleyi (Iredale, 1931)
   Epidirona Iredale, 1931
   Clamturris Iredale, 1931
   Lucerapex Iredale, 1936
   Lucerapex casearia regilla Iredale, 1936
   Viridoturris corona (Laseron, 1954)
   Xenuroturris corona Laseron, 1954
   (Pinguigemmula) MacNeil, 1960
   Turris binda Garrard, 1961
   Gemmula (Unedogemmula) binda (Garrard, 1961)
   Lophiotoma kingae (Powell, 1964)
   Lophioturris Powell, 1964


Reference record (intRefID=4410) created by on 1900-01-01 00:00:00. Record last updated by Holly Barlow on 2002-04-14 21:10:18.