OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database
Data as of: 2006-05-17
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Reference 0483
Iredale, T. (1944). The land Mollusca of Lord Howe Island. Australian Zoologist. 10 : 299–334
Iredale, T., 1944 [31/Dec/1944].The land Mollusca of Lord Howe Island.. Aust. Zool., 10:0-0.
Date of Publication: 31/Dec/1944
Names Mentioned
Palaina capillacea (Pfeiffer, 1855)
Palaina macgillivrayi (Pfeiffer, 1855)
Omphalotropis (Limborelia) exquisita (Pfeiffer, 1855)
Palaina Semper, 1865
Omphalotropis pfeifferi Crosse, 1868
Helix howinsulae Cox, 1873
Helix sophiae conica Brazier, 1889
Patula whiteleggei balli Hedley, 1891
Endodonta waterhousiae Hedley, 1897
Elasmias Pilsbry, 1910
Pseudocharopa Peile, 1929
Omphalotropis (Opinorelia) howeinsulae (Iredale, 1944)
Allenella belli Iredale, 1944
Allenella formalis Iredale, 1944
Reference record (intRefID=466) created by on 1900-01-01 00:00:00. Record not subsequently updated.