OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Hypsogastropoda Conidae 

Bathytoma Harris & Burrows, 1891

Type of listing: Name in current use


Included taxa

   Bathytoma (Unplaced)
   Bathytoma luehdorfi (LISCHKE, 1872)
   Bathytoma (Micantapex) luehdorfi (LISCHKE, 1872 in 1868-73)
   Bathytoma (Bathytoma) Harris & Burrows, 1891
   Bathytoma striatotuberculata (YOKOYAMA, 1928)
   Bathytoma (Micantapex) striatotuberculata (YOKOYAMA, 1928)
   Bathytoma (Micantapex) Iredale, 1936
   Bathytoma (Riuguhdrillia) Oyama, 1951
   Bathytoma (Parabathytoma) Shuto, 1961


  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricNW coast
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricN coast
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaWestern Australia
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian Ocean
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificOceania
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricNE coast
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricCentral E coast
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaNew South Wales
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaQueensland


                        Conidae Rafinesque, 1815
                          Clathurellinae H. & A. Adams, 1858
                            Bathytoma Harris & Burrows, 1891


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=13827) created by Playpus Export Program on 2000-11-09. Record last updated by Peter Ulrik Middelfart on 2003-12-04.