OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Hypsogastropoda Conidae 

Tomopleura Casey, 1904

Type of listing: Name in current use


   Tomopleura Casey, 1904

Included taxa

   Tomopleura reevii (C. B. Adams, 1850)
   Tomopleura nivea (Philippi, 1851)
   Tomopleura nivea (PHILIPPI, 1852 in 1852-53)
   Tomopleura reciproca (GOULD, 1860)
   Tomopleura reciproca (GOULD, 1860 in 1859-60)
   Tomopleura vertebrata (E. A. SMITH, 1875)
   Tomopleura vertebrata (E. A. SMITH, 1875-b)
   Tomopleura pouloensis JOUSSEAUME, 1883
   Tomopleura cigatrigula (HEDLEY, 1922)
   Tomopleura cicatrigula (Hedley, 1922)
   Tomopleura coffea (Thiele, 1925)
   Tomopleura oscitans Kilburn, 1986


  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricN coast
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricGulf of Carp.
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricNE coast
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaQueensland
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaNorthern Territory
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaWestern Australia
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricCentral E coast
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricLower E coast
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaNew South Wales


                        Conidae Rafinesque, 1815
                          Clathurellinae H. & A. Adams, 1858
                            Tomopleura Casey, 1904


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=13978) created by Playpus Export Program on 2000-11-09. Record last updated by bouchet genera on 2002-07-16.