OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Hypsogastropoda Conidae 

Conus monile Hwass in Brugui�re, 1792

Type of listing: Name in current use


   Conus monile Hwass in Brugui�re, 1792
   Cucullus cereolus R�ding, 1798


  PRELOVED RegionsIndia
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanIndo-ArabiaGulf of Oman?
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanSri Lanka
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanThailand (W)
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanAndaman Sea
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanAndaman and Nicobar
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanBay of Bengal
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanBangladesh
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanMyanmar (Burma)
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian OceanEastern Indian OceanIndia (E)
     Hylleberg, J. & Kilburn, R.N. 2002. p.48 


depth: intertidal 
depth: shallow subtidal 
depth: subtidal [ to 20 m ]
substrate: sand [ ]


 R�ckel, D., Korn, W. & Kohn, A.J. 1995. p.178, pl. 33, figs. 21-24 Contains synonymy


                        Conidae Rafinesque, 1815
                          Conus Linnaeus, 1758
                            Conus monile Hwass in Brugui�re, 1792


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=46201) created by ANSVolunteer1 on 2001-05-08. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2003-05-27.