OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Hypsogastropoda Terebridae 

Terebra virgo Schepman, 1913

Type of listing: Name in current use


   Terebra (Strioterebrum) virgo Schepman, 1913


"From the Indian Ocean to Hawaii." (Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1987)

  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificCentral and East Indian Ocean
     Bratcher, T. & Cernohorsky, W.O. 1987. p.54 
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificOceaniaPolynesiaHawaiian Islands (Sandwich Islands)
     Bratcher, T. & Cernohorsky, W.O. 1987. p.54 
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-Malaysia
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificOceania


 Bratcher, T. & Cernohorsky, W.O. 1987. p.54 General reference
 Bratcher, T. & Cernohorsky, W.O. 1987. p.55 Biology and ecology


                          Terebra Bruguière, 1789
                            Terebra virgo Schepman, 1913


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=49025) created by Mark Kitson on 2001-08-10. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2003-01-23.