OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Hypsogastropoda Turridae 

Comitas kirai Powell, 1969

Type of listing: Entry in a Synonymy

Senior name:

Comitas kirai Powell, 1969


Primary Type: holotype [Powell, 1969: "This is the species figured by Kira, 1960, in "Coloured Illustrations of Japanese Shells", pl. 35, fig. 7. From lurida it differs in the lack of a submargining of the suture, more numerous and protractively oblique, not vertical, axials, the addition of a basal subangle and pale coloration, faintly banded but differently from lurida , the uppermost band being at the peripheral angle whereas that is the site of the white band in both lurida and kamakurana .] Powell, A.W.B. 1969. p. 279-280, pl. 223, figs. 4-6
ANSP holotype Japan: Kii, dredged (S. Yukawa)

Common Name

Akebono-iguchi G3535 [Higo et al, 1999, species number: G3535]       Higo, S., Callomon, P. & Goto, Y. 1999.  


Original Epithet:  kirai
Nomenclatural Action: New Taxon       Powell, A.W.B. 1969.  
Original Text Name:  Comitas kirai
Original Genus:  Comitas


                          Cochlespirinae Powell, 1942
                            Comitas Finlay, 1926
                              Comitas kirai Powell, 1969
                                Comitas kirai Powell, 1969


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=49457) created by on unknown date. Record not subsequently updated.