OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Opisthobranchia Gastropteridae 

Sagaminopteron species

Type of listing: Name in current use


Included taxa

   Sagaminopteron (Described) ornatum Tokioka and Baba, 1964
   Sagaminopteron (Described) nigropunctatum Carlson and Hoff, 1973
   Sagaminopteron (Described) bilealbum Carlson and Hoff, 1973
   Sagaminopteron (Described) psychedelicum Carlson and Hoff, 1974


                    Gastropteridae Swainson, 1840
                      Sagaminopteron Tokioka & Baba, 1964
                        Sagaminopteron (Described) species


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=59463) created by delmar on 2001-12-06. Record last updated by delmar on 2001-12-06.