OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Opisthobranchia Acteonidae 

Maxacteon hancocki Rudman, 1971

Type of listing: Entry in a Synonymy

Senior name:

Maxacteon hancocki Rudman, 1971


Primary Type: holotype Secondary Type: paratype [original reference seen] Rudman, W.B. 1971. p.208 Pl. 19, E-F, Fig. 1A, 2D
DM M24085 holotype Deep Water Cove at the entrance to the Bay of Islands


 Rudman, W.B. 1971. p.208 Type information


                    Acteonidae d'Orbigny, 1835
                      Maxacteon Rudman, 1971
                        Maxacteon hancocki Rudman, 1971
                          Maxacteon hancocki Rudman, 1971


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=63981) created by on unknown date. Record not subsequently updated.