OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database
Data as of: 2006-05-17
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Tergomya Tergomya
Tergomya Horny, 1965Type of listing: Entry in a Synonymy
Senior name:
Tergomya Horny, 1965
Status of Name: Used as Valid Name [ Peel, 1991 p.28
"Diagnosis (emended). Generally bilaterally symetrical molluscs in which the calcareous shell is usually planispirally coiled through about half a whorl to two or more whorls. The shell is often cap shaped or ovoid, with an anterior apex which may vary from sub-central to overhanging the anterior margin; in other forms the shell may be a tall curved one or coiled into a plane spiral with the coiled early growth stages carried anteriorly. The aperture is generally planar, but may be slightly arched in lateral view in some cap-shaped forms (e.g. Pilina). Paired muscle scars on the shell interior of ovoid shells are typically grouped into a rong on the dorsal, supra-apical, surface with the apex lying outside of this ring. In strongly coiled shells and in unusually tall shells, paried muscle scars form a circle around the apex, varying in location from near the aperture to about half a whorl back from the apertural margins. Ornamentation consists of radial and/or comarginal elements; prominent comarginal rugae are not widely developed"
Tergomya Horny, 1965
Tergomya Horny, 1965
Taxon name record (intBiotaID=74049) created by on unknown date. Record not subsequently updated.