OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Hypsogastropoda Cypraeidae 

Cypraea thersites Gaskoin, 1849

Type of listing: Entry in a Synonymy

Senior name:

Zoila thersites thersites (Gaskoin, 1849)


Primary Type: holotype Secondary Type: paratype Gaskoin, J.S. 1849. p.90-91
BMNH ((British Museum) Natural History, London) 18465151 holotype unknown


 Sowerby, G.B. (2nd) 1870. p.18-19, pl. 8, figs. 49-50 Illustration of type specimen


                        Cypraeidae Gray, 1824
                          Bernayinae Schilder, 1927
                            Zoila Jousseaume, 1884
                              Zoila thersites (Gaskoin, 1849)
                                Zoila thersites thersites (Gaskoin, 1849)
                                  Cypraea thersites Gaskoin, 1849


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=8687) created by on unknown date. Record not subsequently updated.