OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Name Haliotidae 

Haliotis tomricei Patamakanthin, 2002

Type of listing: Entry in a Synonymy

Senior name:

Haliotis tomricei Patamakanthin, 2002


Primary Type: holotype Patamakanthin, S. 2002. p.7, fig 25:1:1, 4-6, 11
CUBMZ (Chulalomgkorn University Museum of Zoology Invertebrates, Bangkok, Thailand). CUBMZ 00417 holotype Found by local compressor drivers at dephts of 3-5 m, Olago Island, east of Mactan Island, Philippines


Original Epithet:  tomricei
Nomenclatural Action: New Taxon       Patamakanthin, S. 2002.  
Original Text Name:  Haliotis tomricei
Original Genus:  Haliotis


 Patamakanthin, S. 2002.  Type locality
 Patamakanthin, S. 2002.  Type information
 Patamakanthin, S. 2002.  Type illustration


                Name Author, Year
                      Haliotis Linnaeus, 1758
                        Haliotis tomricei Patamakanthin, 2002
                          Haliotis tomricei Patamakanthin, 2002


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=91293) created by on unknown date. Record not subsequently updated.