OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Bivalvia Veneroida Crassatellidae 

Crassatina rikae Lamprell, 2003

Type of listing: Entry in a Synonymy

Senior name:

Crassatina rikae Lamprell, 2003


Primary Type: holotype Lamprell, K. 2003. p.212, fig 2D-F, Table 2
AMS (Australian Museum, Sydney, NSW, Australia) C204868 holotype Aliguay Island, 8º35' N, 123º20' E, N of Dipolog, N. Mindanao , Philippine Islands. 150-300 m, trawled by pan-boats.


Original Epithet:  rikae
Nomenclatural Action: New Taxon       Lamprell, K. 2003.  
Original Text Name:  Crassatina rikae
Original Genus:  Crassatina


 Lamprell, K. 2003.  Type locality
 Lamprell, K. 2003.  Type information
 Lamprell, K. 2003.  Type illustration


                  Crassatellidae Ferussac, 1822
                    Crassatina Kobelt, 1881
                      Crassatina rikae Lamprell, 2003
                        Crassatina rikae Lamprell, 2003


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=91308) created by on unknown date. Record not subsequently updated.