Volume 5 (2008)
Published 15.March.2008
Front Matter.
[http://clade.ansp.org/botany/people/lendemer/Op5frontmatter.pdf] i-vi.Knudsen, K., J.A. Elix, & V. Reeb
A Preliminary Study of the Genera Acarospora and Pleopsidium in South America.
[http://clade.ansp.org/botany/people/lendemer/Op5p1.pdf] 1-22.Coppins, B.J.
Micarea perparvula in North America.
Knudsen, K.
Endococcus janae, a new species from Peru on Acarospora rhabarbarina.
Harris, R.C. & D. Ladd
The lichen genus Chrysothrix in the Ozark Ecoregion including a preliminary treatment for eastern and central North America.
Hansen, C.J., J.C. Lendemer, & S.Q. Beeching
Contributions of the Lichen Flora of Alabama: Recent Collections from Four Counties.
Knudsen, K. & J.A. Elix
Acarospora stictica, a new yellow species containing stictic acid, from Mexico.
Knudsen, K., B.J. Owe-Larsson, J.A. Elix, J.C. Lendemer, & J. Kocourková
Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of the Santa Monica Mountains, Part 3: Additions and Corrections to the Annotated Checklist.
Lendemer, J.C., K. Knudsen, & J.A. Elix
Lepraria friabilis, a New Species from Eastern North America.
Perlmutter, G.B. & J.C. Lendemer
Contributions to the Lichen Flora of North Carolina: A Preliminary Checklist of the Lichens and Allied Fungi at William B. Umstead State Park.
Lendemer, J.C., R.C. Harris, & J.A. Elix
Pertusaria appalachensis, a new species from Eastern North America. [http://clade.ansp.org/botany/people/lendemer/Op5p10.pdf]77-82.
Lendemer, J.C. & K. Knudsen
Ramonia vermispora, a new species from the Sonoran Desert Region of Southwestern North America.
Harris, R.C. & C.A. Morse
Monoblastiopsis (Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, incertae sedis), a new genus from the Great Plains and Ozark Highlands.
Lendemer, J.C.
Lichens of Eastern North America Exsiccati, Fascicle VI, Nos. 251-300.