OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Bivalvia Veneroida Semelidae 

Abra (Syndosmya) sibogai Prashad, 1932

Type of listing: Name in current use


   Abra sibogai Prashad, 1932


  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricNW coast
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricN coast
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaWestern Australia
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-MalaysiaAustralia (N)Western Australia
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-MalaysiaIndonesiaNusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)Nusa Tenggara Barat
     Prashad, B. 1932. p.200 
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-MalaysiaIndonesiaTimor (Not otherwise Specified)
     Prashad, B. 1932. p.200 


depth: continental slope [ to 959 metres {LAMPRELL1998A} ]
depth: mesopelagic       Prashad, B. 1932. p.200 
salinity: marine       Prashad, B. 1932.  
substrate: mud [ fine grey mud ]      Prashad, B. 1932. p.200 
substrate: sand 


 Lamprell, K. & Healy, J. 1998. p.248 General reference


                  Semelidae Stoliczka, 1870*
                    Abra Lamarck, 1818
                      Abra (Syndosmya) R�cluz, 1843
                        Abra (Syndosmya) sibogai Prashad, 1932


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=17671) created by Playpus Export Program on 2000-11-09. Record last updated by Peter Ulrik Middelfart on 2004-05-10.