OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda old Camaenidae 

Sphaerospira incei incei (Philippi, 1846)

Type of listing: Name in current use


   Helix incei Philippi, 1846
   Helix (Camaena) praetermissi Cox, 1868
   Hadra rockhamptonensis pallida Hedley and Musson, 1892
   Helix (Hadra) yeppoonensis Beddome, 1897
   Varohadra keppelensis Iredale, 1937
   Varohadra keppelensis degener Iredale, 1937

Common Name

Chestnut Sand Snail p.135, f.6      Allan, J. 1950.  


eCode: closed forest 
eCode: litter 
eCode: open forest 


 Smith, B.J. . [based on original descriptions and an examination of types; the status of these many morphs has not been resolved]  Synonomy


                  old Pulmonata
                      Sphaerospira M�rch, 1867
                        Sphaerospira incei (Philippi, 1804)
                          Sphaerospira incei incei (Philippi, 1846)


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=1015) created by Playpus Export Program on 2000-11-08. Record last updated by dsherman on 2004-04-14.