OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Bivalvia Mytiloida Mytilidae 

Modiola obesa Philippi, 1847

Type of listing: Entry in a Synonymy

Senior name:

Lithophaga (Leiosolenus) obesus (Philippi, 1847)


Primary Type: neotype [] Philippi, A.R. 1847. p.118
AM C60407 neotype Low Isles, Queensland


Original Epithet:  obesa
Original Text Name:  Modiola (Lithophagus) obesa
Original Genus:  Modiola


 Iredale, T. 1939. p.422, pl. 6, fig. 30 Secondary source
 Kleemann, K.H. 1984. p.218 [ type probably hidden in the collection of the MNHNS ]  Type information
 Oliver, P.G. 1992. p.54 General reference
 Wilson, B.R. 1979. p.474 [ type not located, neotype designated by Wilson 1979 is holotype of Lithophaga obesa suspecta (Iredale 1939) ]  Type information


                Mytilidae Rafinesque, 1815
                  Lithophaga R�ding, 1798
                    Lithophaga (Leiosolenus) Carpenter, 1857
                      Lithophaga (Leiosolenus) obesus (Philippi, 1847)
                        Modiola obesa Philippi, 1847


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=19567) created by on unknown date. Record not subsequently updated.