OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Bivalvia Pholadomyoida Clavagellidae 

Clavagellidae Orbigny, 1844

Type of listing: Name in current use


   Clavagellidae Orbigny, 1844
   Aspergillidae Gray, 1858

Included taxa

   Brechites Guettard, 1770
   Clavagella Blainville [ex Lamarck], 1817
   Humphreyia Gray, 1858
   Dianadema Morton, 2003

Common Name

Tube and Watering-Pot Shells p.300      Allan, J. 1950.  
Pepperpot p.173      Satyamurti, S.T. 1956.  


depth: subtidal 
feeding mode: suspension feeding 
habit: boring, infaunal 
habit: burrowing, infaunal 
habit: cemented, epifaunal 
substrate: coral 
substrate: in mud 
substrate: in sand 


 Allan, J. 1950. p.300 General
 Cotton, B.C. 1961. p.157 [ includes key to genera ]  General
 Satyamurti, S.T. 1956. p.173 General
 Smith, B.J. 1971. p.135 [ includes key to Australian genera, subgenera and species ]  General
 Smith, B.J. 1976. p.187  General


                  Clavagellidae Orbigny, 1844


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=20629) created by Playpus Export Program on 2000-11-09. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2001-04-11.