OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database

Data as of: 2006-05-17

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Gastropoda Hypsogastropoda Bursidae 

Bursa rhodostoma (Beck in G.B. Sowerby II, 1835)

Type of listing: Name in current use


   Lampadopsis rhodostoma auct
   Ranella rhodostoma Beck in G. B. Sowerby II, 1835
   Bursa rhodostoma (Beck in G. B. Sowerby II, 1835)
   Ranella paulucciana Tapparone-Canefri, 1876
   Ranella xantostoma Tapparone-Canefri, 1878
   Ranella bergeri G.B. Sowerby II in Tapparone-Canefri, 1881

Common Name

The rose-mouth Ranella p.species 32      Reeve, L.A. 1844.  
Wine-mouth frog shell p.128      Abbott, R. T. & Dance, S. P. 1982.  


throughout the Indo-West Province; from Madagascar and East Africa to the northern Indian Ocean and throughout the Red Sea, in the western Pacific from southern Honshu Japan, southwards to Sydney Harbour, Australia and eastwards through Melanesia and Polynesia to Hawaii

  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificRed Sea
     Dekker, H. & Orlin, Z. 2000. p.23 
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-ChinaJapan
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificOceaniaPolynesiaHawaiian Islands (Sandwich Islands)
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificOceaniaPolynesia
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-MalaysiaAustralia (N)
  OBIS RegionsTemperate Indo-West PacificSouthern HemisphereAustralia (S)New South Wales
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-MalaysiaAustralia (N)
     Wilson, B. 1993. p.227 
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaQueensland
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaNorthern Territory
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustraliaWestern Australia
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricGulf of Carp.
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricCentral E coast
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricN coast
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricNE coast
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricNW coast
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  ABRS RegionsAustralia200 m bathymetricGreat Barrier Reef
     Wilson, B. 1993.  
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-MalaysiaPhilippinesSamar
     Springsteen, F.J. & Leobrera, F.M. 1986. p.124 
  OBIS RegionsTropical Indo-West PacificIndo-MalaysiaPhilippines
     Springsteen, F.J. & Leobrera, F.M. 1986. p.124 


depth: continental shelf [ depth 0-15 fathoms {Cernohorsky, 1967}; 13-160m {Kay, 1979} ]
depth: shallow subtidal [ at low tide mark to shallow waters ]
feeds on: animals [ feeds on polychaete worms & sipunculids {Houbrick & Fretter, 1969} ]
habitat: coral reef [ on broken coral substrate ]
habitat: on rocks 
habitat: on sand 


 Abbott, R. T. & Dance, S. P. 1982. p.128, text fig. [ illustration, description, habitat, distribution ]  General reference
 Beu, A.G. 1998. p.163, figs 47g, 52h, k , 58e [ synonymy, type data, distribution, dimensions, remarks ]  General reference
 Cernohorsky, W.O. 1967. p.314, pl. 43, fig. 9, text fig. 5 [ illustration, description, habitat, distribution, discussion ]  General reference
 Habe, T. 1964. p.75, pl. 24, fig. 1 [ as Lampasopsis rhodostoma; illustration, description, habitat, distribution ]  General reference
 Kay, E.A. 1979. p.229, fig. 80c, d [ illustration, description, habitat, distribution ]  General reference
 Reeve, L.A. 1844. pl. 7, fig. 32 [ as Ranella rhodostoma; illustration, description, habitat, distribution ]  General reference
 Salvat, B. & Rives, C. 1975. p.307, fig. 181 [ illustration, description, habitat, distribution ]  General reference
 Schepman, M.M. 1909. p.118 [ description, distribution, localities ]  General reference
 Sowerby, G.B. (2nd) 1841. p.51 [ as Ranella rhodostoma; description, habitat ]  General reference
 Wilson, B. 1993. p.227 Distribution


                          Bursa R�ding, 1798
                            Bursa rhodostoma (Beck in G.B. Sowerby II, 1835)


Taxon name record (intBiotaID=37040) created by Holly Barlow on 2001-01-29. Record last updated by Shannon Reid on 2003-08-03.